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Integrating with Jest

Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework created by Facebook. It is used for testing the functionality of applications and libraries

Step CI runner can be used directly in JavaScript testing tools


Put your workflows under tests/

Install @stepci/runner dependency

npm install --save-dev @stepci/runner

Using in tests

Example: Run workflow from file

const { runFromFile } = require('@stepci/runner')
const path = require('path')

test('Check Response Status', async () => {
  const { result } = await runFromFile(path.join(__dirname, './tests/workflow.yml'))

Example: Run workflow from config

const { run } = require('@stepci/runner')

test('Check Response Status', async () => {
  const workflow = {
    version: "1.1",
    name: "Status Test",
    env: {
      host: ""
    tests: {
      example: {
        steps: [{
          name: "GET request",
          http: {
            url: "https://${{}}",
            method: "GET",
            check: {
              status: "/^20/"

  const { result } = await run(workflow)